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See what God can do through your generosity.

Welcome to our e-Giving portal, where you can make donations to support the Projects of this Ministry.

e-Giving Portal

Donations & Offerings

This e-giving platform offers you the ability to make your donations and offerings to the PANKWORD MINISTRY, by just filling the donation form from above.


During special events, Pledges are made. You can make payments to those pledges on this platform, especially for events such as Apostolic Insanity, IProphesy,  and Breakfast Summit.

Firstfruit (Tithe)

Contributions towards your firstfruit (Tithe) is also possible. Tithes are a tenth of your increase. You can give your tithes to support the work of God.

How to Give

Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your Mobile Money, debit, or credit card.

One-Time Offering

Give a one-time offering to support the work of the Lord. The Lord honours cheerful givers. 

Become a Partner

Our partners give a monthly contribution to support our work as a ministry. Be a partner today!